30 Day Anniversary !!!  LORD, I Thank You!

30 Day Anniversary !!! LORD, I Thank You!

God Is Enough Apparel has been open and serving you for 30 days!  I'm really at a lost for words for this experience, but I have to say it has been an absolute honor and pleasure to serve! 

Someone tried to dampen my spirits when they said, "You're a PhD and you're pressing shirts?"  Yes, I'm pressing shirts - but it's more than pressing shirts.  The messages on these special tees are intentionally trying to wins souls to Christ.  My PhD will NOT get me into heaven and afford me with eternal life.  The messages encourage and inspire those who have been faithful but are feeling weary.  The messages have served as reminders to those who have been through trauma that they are free because of God.  Someone's new job was only because of God's favor.  Someone was able to forgive a person who wronged them and that was only because of God.  People have sown into others who needed uplifting by gifting them with a special tee.   It's more than pressing shirts.  I get to pray over the shirts as I fold them for storage.  I get to pray over the shirts as I print the order slips, and press, pack, and ship the shirts.  In my own way, I get to love on others as God loves me.

What were some challenges during the past 30 days?  There were many!  LOL.  I started off not charging taxes and underestimating shipping.  I started off with too many designs, which made keeping inventory a nightmare in the store's platform.  I had to break out the old Excel spreadsheet to keep it all together.  The heat press machine I have keeps cutting off on me (maybe it's the user lol), but that's frustrating...and the manufacturer is no longer in business.  I took a loss by not charging enough for the shirts, but I didn't get into this for the money.  I tried hard not to get lost in the system of branding, marketing, social media, etc.  It's overwhelming and time consuming and it takes me away from being authentic.  The lighting in my room is too dark so I didn't get great pictures or videos.  Trying to figure out the technology part of doing stories, reels, and posts in social media is very challenging and time consuming.   Daily I plead the blood of Jesus over the spirit of comparison. The videos may be boring or not put together well, but God will make sure it gets into the right hands because it's the message that counts.  None of these are complaints, but reality in the behind the scenes of running a business.  I am grateful to God for the challenges because I personally see my maturity and growth in how I handle tests.

What do you love most about the past 30 days?  In spite of the challenges, I didn't quit.  I didn't question that God gave me this vision...I just asked Him to guide me through each phase.  I had to figure things out as each day passed, but I did it with a smile.  I loved receiving selfies from supporters with their special tees on.  I loved reading or hearing the testimonies behind the messages they chose for their tee.  I loved hearing what each message meant to each person.  For example, one person received his "Faith" tee on the exact day from last year when he was diagnosed with Prostate cancer.  Faith and his unwavering belief in God saw him through that challenging time.  God is a Healer!  Originally I was going to do drop shipping and I'm so glad I changed my mind.  Handling the orders in house allows me to personalize each order.  Each order gets an affirmation bookmark, thank you card, business card, instruction card, handwritten note, and inspiration card.  Each order is packed in a "grateful" designed poly envelope.  Each order is prayed over and shipped with love.  This whole experience has truly been a blessing.

What are you grateful for?  As I reflect, I am truly grateful for this entire experience.  In 30 days, God allowed me to reach people who supported from 8 states.  As the orders came in, the workload was manageable as I was finding my way through the various challenges.  For more than 30 years of my life, I yearned for people to love me the way I loved on them and that didn't happen.  I had to learn that no one could love me the way God loves me, but I had to find that out for myself.  Then, I had to learn to love me without needing validation from anyone.  This allows me to love on others...whether it's a kind word, gesture, prayer, or even a something as simple as eye contact and smiling.  I'm truly grateful to be here to witness the God growth in me.

What will you do differently over the next month?  I will keep praying and learning how to work smarter and not harder.  This is not a race, but a marathon and God is my Coach.  I can't concern myself with all the distractions because I will get overwhelmed and I want to remain feeling passionate about this venture because it's deeper than just pressing shirts.

That's it for now.  For a limited time, enjoy the Anniversary sale of $8-$10 off each product, plus reduced shipping.  Stay tuned for new design releases and special discounts.  Be sure to sign up for the email subscription or the text messaging alerts to stay abreast of the latest and greatest.  Follow, www.godisenoughapparel.com and sign up to join when you receive the popups.  I don't want to spill the beans just yet, but some great things are coming soon.

Again - THANK YOU FOR THE LOVE AND SUPPORT.  Feel free to leave a comment below.  I'll respond.  All positive vibes here!!  I love you to life.  Live life on purpose and with purpose and do it with a smile. 

Say hello to the God Is Enough Warriors :-).  If you've purchased from the store, be sure to send me a selfie so I can feature your beautiful/handsome self :-).


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